Hello there :) Hope that you are doing well and that this weekly horoscope finds you when you are happy and safe. Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
We have just graduated the Chiron- North Node conjunction in Aries which has been actually quite difficult for most people ~ a space of discomfort to work through for everyone. Now, Chiron and the North Node are going to begin to separate so the rehabilitation process and the integration process from this conjunction has begun. What did we learn in the middle of February through our discomfort or something not exactly going the way that we want it to? How can we apply this to our lives now? You can see how this may impact your rising sign here.
This week is the Saturn-Sun-Mercury cazimi/conjunction as well which could be a very confounding, sobering moment where we each make a recognition. The question to ask yourself really is what is the quality of your spiritual life? Have you been answering the call or have you been screening it, afraid of what the universe might propel you into?
On Monday, Mars in Aquarius is going to square Jupiter in Taurus. As I’m writing this it is Sunday and we’re already in the energy of this now… for some, this may feel like you have WAY too much energy or that there is too much on your plate and being asked of you. This aspect does kind of expand irritability and the anger response but it can also amplify how much energy we have, our motivation which could be bringing us in a few different seemingly unreconcilable directions. I’d say that this is a day to not overcommit yourself even though that will be the natural tendency. This is where you want to also watch your step out there as I do feel like Monday could be a day where people can easily get injured.
The moon moves into Libra as well on Monday which will oppose the North Node-Chiron conjunction so there is some type of wisdom that comes through that same type of discomfort on Monday and Tuesday. Otherwise the moon in Libra is wonderful for connection and coming together with others. We may feel the discrepancy between what we want to do and what those in our lives want us to do.
Wednesday is the big conjunction with the Sun, Mercury and Saturn all at 9* of Pisces and the moon also moves into Scorpio so on Wednesday, things take a much more serious turn. We may see something revealed on the world stage to let us know exactly where we are in “time,” in addition to a recognition and realization of what Saturn in Pisces (where it’s been since March 7th 2023) is all about ~ we haven’t really known because the Sun hasn’t come into illuminate that for us just yet until Wednesday. Mercury with Saturn also deals with difficult conversations that need to be had and ideas that need to be seen and heard.
The moon in Scorpio gives us emotional volatility especially because it will be squaring Pluto and will be opposing Jupiter and Uranus during its transit, which most likely will be felt as an electrical feeling on Thursday.
Since this year is a leap year, as was 2020, Thursday is the last day of February. Leap years always strike me as quite anomalous and out of the ordinary.
Mercury in Pisces on Thursday reaches out to Jupiter in Taurus which brings quite a good energy ~ this is where we’re able to uplift others with our words and where we may be seeking safety in our communication. Mercury is still at fall/detriment in Pisces, so this isn’t the moment to think that you’ve “found the answer” or that you’ve “figured it all out” but Jupiter’s presence helps us a bit to go where the tide is bringing us.
Venus in Aquarius is also going to sextile the North Node in Aries. At the beginning of last weeks horoscope I discussed how there’s this wave of sextiles between these Aquarius planets and the North Node as well as Chiron in Aries (this happens Friday) and to me this is very valuable because it’s like we’re being given permission from the group, from the people in our lives, friends, partners, to really take up space as our weird selves and to embrace who we are and to engage, receive, connect, collaborate and honestly this combination on Thursday is pretty fun.
Friday, the 1st of March, the Sun in Pisces is going to sextile Jupiter in Taurus which is honestly quite positive, can be a little bit naive but doesn’t necessarily have to be. If we endeavor to look, there is something about our values, our security, our spiritual world and real world that can be seen. Otherwise this will just feel like a light, good energy type of day based on this aspect… and we will still be sitting with whatever came through that Sun-Saturn-Mercury cazimi.
Saturday the moon enters Sagittarius and will form a square to Saturn, the Sun and Mercury which may feel like kind of a checkpoint or kind of a bummer and makes us acutely aware of what we need to do. The moon in Sagittarius wants to escape and it’s running up against all of these challenges in doing so that will be much more evident on Saturday than Sunday.
Sunday, Venus in Aquarius is going to square Uranus in Taurus which can look like things coming into our lives and leaving out of nowhere in terms of relationships. There are things that may happen depending on where you have this in your chart that may be shocking. These two are in a mutual reception ~ Venus loves to be in Taurus and would feel at home there while Uranus would feel at home in Aquarius. This can lead us into feeling like something is missing or things aren’t “quite right.” Sunday is weird and a day to pause before reaction and to keep your head on a swivel.
Next week I will begin to parse apart this eclipse season coming up and will be offering eclipse season reports per donation just like I did last year <3 Though it is a bit early (the first eclipse is on March 25th) if you’d like one let me know by responding with your time, date & place of birth! I will come up with a bigger announcement next week.