Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s horoscope. I hope that you are happy and safe where you are.
It seems like the windfall of change, new energy and story arcs continuing really reaches “lift off” this week in a cascade of planetary changes.
There is a conjunction of the Sun, Saturn and Mercury on February 28th and 29th that I find to be interesting at 9* Pisces. Right now we’re in a bit of an Aquarius wormhole where a lot of things are about to change pretty quickly and towards the end of the month there’s a bit of a checkpoint. Headed into these next few weeks where the ball begins to really roll, measure your decisions against spiritual discernment ~ keep your connection strong and then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. This is what I will be discussing for each rising sign below!
We begin the week with the moon in Aries which with the Sun in Aquarius is quite fun ~ Monday morning may start off on a note that is quite sensitive, being in a conjunction to Chiron and the North Node which will officially connect with each other and pass each other this week (!) so there is something coming to light that we are processing to start out the week.
Tuesday, Mars moves into Aquarius which is quite a big deal as this will be the first time in two years that Mars has connected with Pluto or Venus. Mars *almost* formed a conjunction with Venus last year in June, but Venus stayed behind for her retrograde station so in a lot of ways, this conjunction is going to move us forward in the narrative of our life on February 22nd.
Mars in Aquarius is very inventive and proud of its unusual qualities. There are solutions to our problems that we haven’t yet had the mind or the heart for, and this week Mars will help us find our innovation. Mars will be in Aquarius until he moves into the position he doesn’t feel quite comfortable in ~ into Pisces on March 22nd. Make use of this Mars as the motivation and wherewithal to act dissipates into a fog when Mars moves into Pisces.
Also on Tuesday, Venus in Capricorn will forge that dreamy sextile to Neptune in Pisces. The sextiles from Capricorn to Pisces are very subtle but they can feel very fated. With Venus in Capricorn we’ve been deciding what we really want to commit our efforts to in love, in money… and Venus making this sextile could make us feel a divine inspiration ~ Tuesday is a very creative day but with intensity building as Wednesday, Mars and Pluto will conjunct.
Mars conjuncting Pluto is like an explosion or a pressure valve goes off. I want for everyone to be mindful of road rage, aggressive people and to watch your step when you’re out and about. If you have been putting something off and the last week or so has reminded you, you may snap into action and move towards taking initiative on something that needs to be done.
There’s a way of thinking that combines algorithmic and abstract thinking that Aquarius is known for ~ and this way of thinking that is out of the box and away from the mainstream is what we have to look forward to. There is also this energy present that whatever we think it’s going to be now, looking at the next week, it’ll be different. This is a bit of a wild card.
Also on Wednesday, the moon will move into Taurus, its favorite place to be. The moon LOVES to be in Taurus and this gives us a 2.5 day period of stability and comfort. The moon on Wednesday will move into a conjunction with Jupiter which brings out our emotional generosity and a good vibe. On Thursday, the moon and Uranus will connect which can sometimes feel a bit disjointed but can also be inspiring.
Also on Thursday, Mercury in Aquarius will make a sextile to Chiron in Aries, which comes as a nice healing boost and an opportunity to be heard and understood in a way that is validating. On Friday morning, the moon in Taurus will square the Sun in Aquarius which can be a little bit awkward, clumsy, but the moon will move into Gemini on Friday afternoon, breaking some of the roughness of that square up.
Venus will move into Aquarius as well on Friday. Her transit in the sign of the water bearer lasts until March 11th. In the next few days she will be catching up with Mars in Aquarius on February 22nd, adding a new dimension to our relationships and something new, which we’ve all been looking forward to since spring of 2022 when the cosmic lovers connected in Capricorn and then moved into Aquarius. There is something else on the horizon and it might be the last thing we expect!
Venus in Aquarius also looks for odd solutions to problems that may have been vexing us for a long time. She is innovative and very original and during her transit through Aquarius she wants to make sure that she’s striking a balance between her time with others and her personal autonomy.
Also on Friday, Mercury in Aquarius is going to square Uranus in Taurus which brings up surprises in communication, news coming in out of nowhere, technological or electrical challenges… this is quite a bit “out of nowhere” and so I think Friday into Saturday will be the most interesting point. Saturday, Venus connects with Pluto in Aquarius which continues this theme we’ve been seeing in our lives the last few weeks. Venus with Pluto makes our relationships and the connections in our lives quite intense and can bring up issues of jealousy or paranoia, even in Aquarius. Intensity can be both good and bad so look at how these conjunctions impact your own personal chart ~ what house it’s in and what other planets are around ~ or you can hire an astrologer to look at that for you :)
Sunday, the tone definitely shifts pretty hard with the Sun moving into Pisces and the moon moving into Cancer. This week is quite a whirlwind of new energy and unanticipated directions, so Sunday is the time where it’ll be catching up to us and we’ll be able to check in with how it all has made us feel. The Sun is creeping up on that Mercury-Saturn cazimi on February 28th and 29th that kinda looks like a spiritual check-point. Saturn moved into Pisces last year on March 7th and didn’t go through a Sun-Saturn conjunction so this will be the first time we’re seeing this.
Sun-Saturn conjunctions can sometimes be depressing or there’s like this sense of being very aware of our limitations and since Mercury is very involved in this conjunction it kinda looks like a pause in the last two days of the month where suddenly we’re pulling at this other thread.
Below you can find out where this Sun-Saturn-Mercury conjunction will impact each of the rising signs :)