This is Part 1. Part 2 will be out tomorrow for paid subscribers (here’s a list of things that you receive as a paid subscriber) of how these changes will impact your sign and then I will reconvene with dailies on Thursday, though you should know, the moon is in Leo and that… makes for some emotional resistance and blockage. We should really all be pouring into Leonine things upon this new transition of the nodes… heart health, internal fire, internal creativity, heart-centeredness. <3 Mercury retrograde in Aquarius is in kind of an awkward sextile to Chiron in Aries, so there’s an unconventional gift coming from where we are wounded and opportunities for reconciliation, apologies, to self or to others. :)
I’ve been excited about this day for a while. There’s been a various series of holding patterns we’ve been in with the astrology in waves since the end of 2020 and I do feel like some of those holding patterns for us individually, the caps we place on ourselves or the rules we place on ourselves, are about to lift in a way we weren’t expecting.
I <3 love <3 the Taurus and Scorpio axis. For my personal astrology, being in link with these types of people is incredibly stabilizing and catalyzing alike. It’s the axis of possession, the axis of finances, the axis of bridging together the outer with the inner, making things real.
The archetype of Taurus as a fixed earth sign is that of a rooted tree. It’s not going anywhere. Taurus is a sign that is associated with this green earth that we’re standing on, money, finances, resources and resource allocation, value and the ability to recognize it and assess it… Taurus is the empress that is extremely fertile and creative, while also logical, practical… in a shadow sense, like its opposite sign of Scorpio, can often hold onto things pretty tightly ~ this axis has a reputation for being possessive, sometimes controlling, resistant to change.
The resistance to change is something that people who have a lot of fixed signs in their chart (Leo, especially Taurus & Scorpio, Aquarius) have had to and are going to have to find a way to navigate, since change is the only constant and certainly the climate of the times.
Uranus direct:
Uranus, the planet of change, instability, the unexpected, innovation, collaboration, collective action, has been in Taurus officially since 2018. This has reflected changes within our physical realm, what some may say the digitization of it. This has also shifted around collective and individual values, relationships and Uranus in Taurus is commonly found in the charts of revolutions and wars that have happened throughout history. Definitely a time for a lot of us of breaking the contract we have with engineered, artificial scarcity (because this scarcity that we have in this reality is created!) and recognizing our true worthiness as a divine being to exist here, irrespective of whatever medical status, race, gender, religion… we hold.
In our personal lives this has forced us to look at where Taurus is in our charts and in most of the people that I read for, I’ve observed that there’s a consistent theme of patterns being recognized so that they can be broken. Patterns that actually affect our real world lives, something that is suddenly very much in focus through the energy today initiates. When you decide to break a pattern, usually there’s a period of time where the Universe is kinda sending you opportunities to fall back into the same pattern, to fall back on a commitment that you may have made with yourself… and where you’ll have the opportunity to make a different choice, as this Uranus direct station really gets going.
The Uranus-Saturn square that we experienced for a majority of 2021 is something that is not going away necessarily, as much as changing shape and evolving. We experience it again in July (29th) 2022 when the North Node in Taurus aligns with Uranus in Taurus… and squares Saturn. Has the potential to be a pretty big ouchie depending upon how we play it in the first part of the year.
The Saturn-Uranus square of last year was exact February 17th, June 14th and December 24th, so an evolution of that tight-squeeze, form-like-a-diamond energy will come back around to make sure that we have made some progress co-creating whatever we (our human + our soul + our spirit) set into motion both in 2018, and with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on December 21st, 2020.
Our souls are always working with us in a process, irrespective of whether or not we realize it, and when we recognize it and work with it and listen to it and pour into it, like a relationship, where spontaneous discovery unfolds and the world, even an increasingly artificial world, may show you beauty, kindness, generosity, compassion.
This Uranus direct transit in the macro could cause some kind of shock to our physical experience, a schism or a glitch in the matrix so to speak. I’m not sure exactly what to expect, but I know that Uranus increasingly through its movement is going to reflect an increased level of seismic and tectonic activity, bizarre earth changes… and to keep up with that type of thing I love what the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel is doing. I just got the idea to include in this blog some space weather links especially for dailies because solar flares, plasma rays, solar winds, these things really do affect us physically and spiritually in ways that are sometimes hard to predict. So stay tuned for that :) Hehe.
Perhaps there’s an acceleration in our natural and technological evolutions alike from now until the next time that Uranus stations retrograde on August 24th.
A few hermetic laws in my opinion that correspond to this type of transition, the inhales and the exhales of Uranus. One is, the law of correspondence: As above, so below, as within, so without, but especially the last part. When Uranus is in a retrograde station, the changes we make are hugely internal. We have deep insights, knowings, we crack open new layers unexpectedly, see things we weren’t meaning to poking around in our subconscious or dreamtime. It is the stroke of genius in a sense. And, because sometimes in matter things take time, space… when Uranus stations direct it can function like a big exhale and all of the changes we have made along the way become manifest, for better or worse.
And I think that in waves, a lot of people have been feeling quite at the back of the slingshot for a long time. The other Universal law is the law of rhythm, where there’s an ebb, and a flow, and an ebb, and a flow… and sometimes the ebb really stays around for a lot longer than we would expect it to. And we’ve kind of been in a sea of ebbs in a sense, with the Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades last year, Venus and Mercury retrograde in today, anticipating the transition of the nodes (even if people aren’t really aware of it they walk this stuff out all the same from what I’ve observed).
There are phases of release, flow and momentum throughout this month and next, we may have to make some quick decisions and act on our practical sense and our knowing. And in a sense, there’s this major sense of action orientation, manifestation, movement, as we get into the second week of February and March. And I sense as well that this day, with the nodes changing signs and Uranus stationing direct is a much needed wave of flow to pull us out of one of the ebbs.
February 3rd until April 29th ALL of the planets will be direct so I think it’s smart to make your moves and line things up for that time however you can, with the thread of adaptability and flexibility with regard to internet connections, cybersecurity, Pluto returns of the US (haha! I am writing about this now I have it drafted) weather and things like that.
Uranus also carries within its highest expression a very strong rebellious streak and I do think that there could be some major uprising in the next six months… even more than there has been in the last few years. <3 All kinds of uprisings. And I think that there could be a necessity for people from all camps to come together… so the question then becomes, how well can you get along with people you abjectly disagree with?
Nodal shift: Taurus-Scorpio