Mercury retrograde in Aqua & Capricorn
A sample of my new subscription service & how I'll be using substack moving forward:
Hello! I hope that you are having a good evening.
I recently walked through an event in my personal life that have showed me so many things. I am working on writing about it now.
This event showed me that I needed a sacred place to put more content where my energy is respected, honored & cherished.
And so I’ve decided to create a subscription component on here :) Here’s what it will come with:
40% off my newest offering, a recorded reading found here. Each subscriber will receive a subscription code for discounted checkins, transit readings, forecasts, diving deeper into an area of your chart.
I will be recording weekly on the astrology of the week ahead and will be making daily blurbs for subscribers.
Investigative astrology & current events/premonitions.
I will be diving deep on transits like retrogrades and big astrological events for each rising sign (like this one!)
Any other esoteric subjects I decide to discuss!
I will still be updating my YouTube channel every so often and writing a weekly horoscope :) Just really looking to engage with living breathing people who want to engage with me!
Excited to proceed on this expansive new substack journey with you all. <3 I will begin on Monday with the blurbs & recordings :)
(clearly I am rebellious, making decisions and business changes right in the line of Mercury retrograde ;) when it’s right it’s right and when you feel it you feel it!)
Without further ado, here’s my take on this Mercury retrograde! This is a sample, as are all of my deep dives and astrology reports for each sign, of the subscription content to come! :) Hope you enjoy and get a lot out of it.
Mercury retrograde Jan 14th - February 3rd
In Aquarius and Capricorn (January 26th)
This is a very interesting Mercury retrograde season, because like this Venus retrograde transit, it is covering a lot of ground from the last several years. In a way it is a perfect “wrap up” of the current chapter we’ve been in with the nodes about to change on January 18th out of one Mercury-ruled sign. And in a sense it is the perfect trigger for us to see what we initiated after massive deconstruction in 2020. I’ll bring up the Saturn-Pluto January 2020 conjunction until I’m blue in the face… that was a big huge deal wherever we had that in our lives. It’s a 33 year long cycle that breathes and evolves just like a moon phase ~ and a complete turning and burning with lessons in whatever house we had this in. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, a 14 year long cycle, expanded whatever it is that is ancient frankly that needed/needs to die in us, where to surrender and where to take back the reigns of control and empowerment and that sometimes to get to walking that razors edge you have to meet yourself deeper than you’re originally willing to. And then the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in December in 2020, a 20-year long cycle opening in the triplicity of air for the first time in a hundred years, indicating this catapult into the ancient future.
Here are the Sabien symbols for where some of these happened:
Stalactites and stalagmites almost grown together.
Super tight fit. Custom designed by destiny, tailor-made. The individualist carving out unique karmic arrangements to bear you across a difficult passage. A journey undertaken under peril, a secret assignment, withheld even from your conscious self. Cloak and dagger. The thoroughly veiled soul, the enigma of destiny. The secret instructions are writ upon your innermost being and you know them implicitly. Silent, circumspect, withheld. Superdisciplined, guarded and private, sworn to secrecy. And inside of all this, secret brotherhoods and cosmic streams send their emissaries to take up incredible tasks and think nothing of it.
A woman wearing a mask made out of butterfly wings.
Wrapped about in customary trappings. Made to look and act the part superbly. Programmed to do everything on cue. Taking yourself in hand, and subordinating all other factors to ambition, power, and worldly position. In a premeditated, systematic, superorderly fashion, fitting the role. So good at this you fool yourself. The perfect wraparound set-up of simply turning yourself into what everybody needs to see. But because there is so much manipulation and control in it, this can become highly corrupted. It all depends on the motivation. At best, you will become a viable role model for a given set of characteristics of an advanced kind to be embodied perfectly. But at worst, you will deceive and beguile and maneuver so smoothly that nobody will know what you serve, who your master is, and where all this comes from after all.
A two-headed calf.
Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other. Immense opportunity. Huge challenge. You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment--do you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it? Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.
So these are pretty huge right? All of them seem to articulate the Great Transmutation we are actually in the middle of, irrespective of how it looks.
So Venus is still retrograde in Capricorn ~ I wrote about this here ~ and this is really calling us to restructure. It’s like we only have time for what we have time for, we’re having to consolidate in our lives and really put up these boundaries… because that’s another lesson of paternalistic Saturn and Capricorn… is boundaries. When you have self-respect, when you know the value of you, you honor your own time and your own energy. This from what I’ve observed in my friendships is a huge impetus spun by reviewing all of these massive conjunctions… a quick pulling back on what isn’t worth our time, our energy while also still trying to keep a few plates in the air.
So Mercury, our conscious mind, our intellect, transportation, movement, work & commerce, is currently about to station retrograde in a square to Uranus in Taurus which has been feeling for the last few days like frustration, the pieces not quite falling together the way that we want them to and just kinda having to accept where they fall. This Mercury in Aquarius is going to cover all that juicy ground that Saturn in Aquarius, the cold, socially & emotionally distant, artificial regulator energy (not gonna lie Saturn in Aquarius has “dark city” vibes to me) has traversed in 2021. We get a little mental snapshot of everything that was… because my theory is from now until the middle of February were going to observe a lot of personal and collective changes in where we are and where we were. So it’s kinda like take a good look at some of the things you were struggling with in 2021, take this mini season of inward looking, reflection, not making any sudden moves, because once Venus stations direct on January 30th and Mercury moves direct on February 3rd it’ll be like… slingshotting us into the next chapter, the new experience, with the nodes changing & Uranus stations direct on January 18th.
On January 26th Mercury moves into Capricorn for a pas de deux with Pluto in Capricorn, which I anticipate could be an interesting harbinger or a message for the Pluto return of the US. Mercury is the bridge between the worlds, the messenger and is always on the cusp of what is next and what is new. So I do anticipate that around this January 26th - February 3rd we could see some messages relayed about what is to come.
Mercury stationing direct on Pluto in Capricorn is pretty tough. It calls us to be exacting, perhaps even harsh and to really stand in our power on whatever the Capricorn lesson we have been learning for literally years is. Since 2008, check to see the house that Capricorn is in in your chart and how it has evolved!!
This Mercury retrograde starting in the square to Uranus does bring on my weird weather and making sure to back up everything on your computer signals and just… be patient and draw boundaries with the internet.
Here’s a recap for each **rising** sign:
Mercury is going to start out retrograde in your 2nd house of finances, material possessions, self-worth, your own time, energy, resources. From then until January 26th, ask yourself what needs to be done differently so that you feel a bit more valued and cared for? How can you invent a bit more around these areas? Then when Mercury comes into Capricorn the Great Reinvention of who you are and how to interact with the world, alongside venus comes in. Treat your body with the most ultimate respect under this transit and it will give back to you and momentum and energy will return in a way you hadn’t thought possible in February (generally).
Mercury is stationing retrograde in your house of self, your physical body, your personality & identity… so there’s this sense of maybe needing to get really selfish for a second and that’s ok! If you implemented some kind of change in your life in 2021 with Saturn and Jupiter traversing this first house, maybe you mentally see where you’re at with that, see if any tweaks need to be made. Mercury moves back into Capricorn into your 12th house where you’ve been dealing with some intense forces beyond typical human understanding, your deep fears, surrender and resistance, closing portals of karma through transmuting difficult situations… rapid fire since 2008/2017/2020. Go gently & get tons of rest and then a wave of subtle precognitive motivation comes when Mercury stations direct.
Mercury stations retrograde in your 12th house where Saturn still and Jupiter in 2021 has been pruning your unconscious mind, creating a spiritual cultivation behind the scenes, necessitating rest and reflection and closing out doors that aren’t serving you any longer. Saturn in the 12th house transit is a transit of endings and forces one to really let go and to face your fears before your personal Groundhog Day when Saturn pokes its head above water in 2023. Nevertheless, Mercury in the 12th retrograde could reveal itself to you as needing to slow all the way down, maybe a little bit of brain fog or thinking fatigue ~ May you open yourself up to imagining and being until January 26th. Your friendship & networks sector of your life has been continually getting excavated and excavated especially in 2020 so this energy gets re-heated a little bit with both Venus and Mercury. Clarity will come in waves January 30th & February 3rd in who you actually want to have in your life.
Mercury stations retrograde in your 11th house of groups, friends, networks… so miscommunications and frustrations involving the internet could show up as a cliche version of what you typically hear about in Mercury retrograde transit. This may inspire you to take a second look at your social circle, the people you’re engaging with, since undoubtedly when Jupiter went through this house last year, that showed you who you actually want to commune and connect with, while Saturn is still showing you through 2023 who you do not. Jupiter is in Pisces now in your 12th house and there’s an instinct to pull away, to isolate, and to draw within yourself ~ let it happen. Your spirit is your salvation in 2022 and the closer you can get to being in alignment with that which you are, the better and the further away you get, the more you’ll feel it, so trust the messages and symbolism you receive. Mercury retrograde reaches your 10th house of career, to join Venus retrograde here until January 30th, so some a little extra re-working, considering making long term changes to the type of career that you pursue, but maybe not making those changes like yet as once February gets underway it’ll feel like a slingshot moving you forward in your career in ways you couldn’t imagine.
Mercury stations retrograde in your 10th house of career, where your quirky, innovative and offbeat new career path, a seed that was planted by the December 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, that likely is requiring you to take more responsibility and effort than you originally thought, and with Jupiter transiting your 11th house perhaps it is time to enlist some help with whatever your greater vision is. Perhaps while Mercury is retrograde in your 10th house, from January 14th until February 3rd, you take a bit of mental space from what it is you’re working on, catch up on things that need catching up on, but maybe taking it a bit easy. Then January 26th Mercury will move into Capricorn which will give you a recap of the deconstruction of your belief system and viewpoint about the world. Taurus risings have experienced some pretty massive disillusionment and disruption to your paradigms, but I anticipate that will help you to stay realistic in your career as Mercury (and Venus) both move forward.
Mercury stations retrograde in your 9th house, which relates to travel, higher learning, philosophy and your belief system. Traveling is kinda weird in 2022, traveling in general when Mercury is in retrograde, let alone your 9th house… I hope you’re not traveling :) This is a time of reconsidering your beliefs, not assuming you know the right answer, and keeping an open mind to some new revelations, spiritual or informational, that may show up before Mercury moves into Capricorn and into your 8th house on the 26th, joining Venus in a really deep cleansing process. Mercury in the 8th house allows us if not prods us to look at things that are challenging and a huge empowerment surge to follow if you do, especially when Mercury stations direct on February 3rd (and Venus moves forward with Mars!)
This time, really since 2008 but on an incline since 2017, 2020… has not been easy for Cancer rising with regards to relationships. Mercury is stationing retrograde in your 8th house in Aquarius which is the house of intimacy, death and rebirth, crisis… so there’s this energy of maybe needing to change something, could come like a harsh realization… you’ve spent the last several years interfacing in relationships that show you what you don’t want to interface with, the qualities that you don’t like… perhaps this Mercury retrograde in Aquarius before it moves into your 7th house of partnership in Capricorn on the 26th, is about finding intimacy with yourself, looking at everything under the hood of the car in yourself and the folks you share energy with… perfect timing. When Mercury enters your 7th house there’s likely an acknowledgement of the lessons learned, how much that you’ve come through in interpersonal relationships… and maybe with Mercury stationing direct on Pluto February 3rd an acknowledgement of the contracts you want to make, or break, or the patterns you are heaven-bound on not repeating.
Mercury stationing retrograde not too far from Saturn in your 7th house is like… asking yourself what you want to commit to in partnership and in your friendships/familial relationships in the long term. Leo rising needs mirrors who are very abnormal, see things unconventionally… and Leo rising also really needs warmth which may be something you’re craving in your interpersonal relationships of all kinds. So perhaps you decide to give yourself a little bit of warmth however you can with this Mercury stationing retrograde here. There’s kind of a push-pull going on between those relationships and career throughout 2021 and 2022 and that is activated by the Mercury-Uranus square that does move off :) Mercury moves into your 6th house on January 26th in the sign of Capricorn for a continued revision of how you’re doing your daily life, what you’re eating, is your lifestyle fueling you… definitely practice stress reduction if possible! Creating health through life giving practices can be something that is enjoyable.
Mercury stationing retrograde in your 6th house can be kind of frustrating for someone who likes things how they like them as it can bring in this kind of frenetic or chaotic energy and disorganization, so stress relief is your best friend especially at the start of this retrograde. Really great time to figure out if what you’re eating and drinking and consuming in general is serving your digestion and your circulation and if there’s anything that needs to be rerouted with those things, this is a great time to do some research and feel with your Virgo sensitivities and sensibilities what type of nutrients you need. When Mercury goes into your 5th house in Capricorn on January 26th, definitely your romantic space is one to watch, and I bet with Venus in your 5th house that space is feeling pretty clunky, uncomfortable, though I don’t think that will remain the case once Venus and Mercury station direct (Jan. 30th and Feb. 3rd) ~ I think it will become clearer and clearer after it’s really unclear what you want to invest in in that space. If you have kids or really any creative project or expression of you, you could feel like you’re having a challenge relating to them, or like this time is unnecessarily difficult for them and you’re unsure what to do, so too will you find the answers to that on the way out of this retrograde season.
Mercury stationing retrograde in your 5th house in Aquarius has you reconsidering what kind of leisure you’re partaking in… Mercury on saturn in this initial retrograde station can carry with it a “not very fun” vibe or having to do abnormal things to enjoy yourself and enjoy your time. This can reflect miscommunications with and around children if you have them and may change up your creative routine. This Mercury retrograde maybe a lil less frustrating for you than other signs *until* you get to the point where Mercury comes into Capricorn on January 26th, joining Venus in a retrograde station… this can stir up some emotional confusion or chaos from the last several years, as Mercury conjuncts Pluto and there can be agreements made on the familial level to do things differently moving forward when Mercury stations direct. Definitely a good time to not expect too much emotional labor from yourself ~ great time to draw inward and catch a release and a catharsis.
This Mercury retrograde is stationing in your 4th house of home, family ~ so this could bring up some “stuff” around a physical home, whether you’re trying to move, having some communication challenges with the folks you’re living with, or maybe running into some emotional blocks or feelings of depression with Mercury not too far from Saturn. Once Mercury comes back into your 3rd house of communication, short-distance travel, transportation, siblings and media, you may be feeling kind of overwhelmed with too much or not enough communication, and may be really struggling to convey how you feel to someone or something in your life. Once Mercury stations direct on February 3rd and conjoins with Pluto again, I feel like that will bring some certainty with what you want to say and how you want to say it. Be careful on the road from January 26th - February 3rd <3
Mercury retrograde is starting off in your house of communication, media, short-distance travel, transportation, so hiccups throughout your day are to be expected and anticipated, perhaps some minor communication snafoos, what you hear about when Mercury stations retrograde… that’s pretty much copy/paste with the way in which you start off this transit. Hold onto some of your ideas because I feel like you may receive one either on your own as a “download’ or something that you hear from others in your circle… write these things down so that you can act on them when Mercury stations direct in your 2nd house. Mercury retrograde in your 2nd house in Capricorn from January 26th - February 3rd could feel like a financial reworking or somewhat of a squeeze, but nothing quite like you’ve gone through in 2017-2020. It may activate some of the same fears, though, so use your tools to keep your mind from going to that anxious place if you can. <3
Healing frequencies for Mercury retrograde