Hey there! Thank you so much for reading this horoscope~ I hope it finds you well and that you are happy and safe where you are.
There are a number of planets that just a few months ago were retrograde that are now direct, with only Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron if you’d like to count the wounded healer dwarf planet that are still retrograde. Things are moving forward quite a bit. I know that when you look out into the world, especially with the recent transit of Pluto’s return of the US, that it can seem like a pretty… undesirable landscape and I have some encouragement for you around that.
In the last few months, I personally have taken the Neville pill. I have been reading many “new thought” / manifestation authors such as H Emilie Cady, Emile Coue, Joseph Murphy, Florence Scovel Shinn, Neville and more. For some reason, it’s easier for me to digest and accept these teachings that are actually quite deep when they come from someone who was born a century ago, compared to someone speaking about it currently on YouTube.
I made a recording of a zoom call I did that I am offering for $10 (for access, respond to this email) which is like all of this information pretty much synthesized as far as the importance of states, imaginal acts, state akin to sleep, affirming and the subconscious, the superconscious and the conscious minds and their roles in the creation of human reality through our God-given imagination.
The reason I bring this up is because as we edge closer towards 2024 - 2026, the astrology continues on in a very chaotic direction. I’d love to encourage everyone reading this to really be conscious and aware of that space right before you fall asleep and right after you wake up… to put your phone away at night unless you’re listening to something uplifting and to not grab right for your phone first thing in the morning.
Reason being, there is something extremely creative and reality generating about that space right before you get out of bed in the morning and before you fall asleep. Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy especially were extremely adamant that this time was THE most fertile time to imagine and affirm and to dwell in the house of the Father / to call to mind the state of the wish fulfilled and stay there as you drift off into sleep, willing away any intrusive thoughts in the process.
I’ve always heard current teachers discuss “timelines” and have in a sense always rolled my eyes because I don’t think I fully grasped (probably still haven’t FULLY grasped) that concept, but now I do feel like I have some understanding of it. This idea that we can avoid negative collective events due to being on a “different timeline” has always rubbed me the wrong way until I started reading and re-reading Neville’s material.
The idea that there are infinite realities, dimensions and versions of you and everyone that you know, that they’re already there and just need to be selected, and that this state springs a bit more out of our SUBCONSCIOUS mind based on what we choose to think and do with our conscious mind to me just very recently clicked as I have felt myself begin to feel like I Am literally shifting realities, surfing the probabilities and possibilities of the wave as it moves towards the shore.
The reason I’m sharing this all with you is that I am basically “pleading” with you to be very mindful and intentional of what you are selecting immediately after you wake up and right before you fall asleep and watch what happens with that one action alone in your life. The times becoming more and more hectic won’t stop ~ and in fact, this all answers the question of WHY billions of dollars are being hemorrhaged into CERN and other such organizations both known and unknown to basically tear a hole in “space/time” to do what we can do naturally, in addition to the symbolism in advertising and how much is constantly vying for our attention… Maybe the reason that this is the case is because we are more fucking powerful than we could ever possibly imagine? Perhaps this is the reason for the long-game spiritual warfare and the intergenerational trauma and collective events that has pervaded this realm for as long as we can remember.
As the quickening quickens, it becomes that much more important to select what it is that you want with reckless abandon.
Now onto the astrology ;)
Monday, the Sun in the last degrees of Scorpio is sextiling Pluto in Capricorn which is an opportunity for us to draw our power from down deep in our center as the Sun prepares to move into a Sagittarius for a slightly off-beat Sagittarius season, starting off fresh with a square to Saturn. Take Monday to ground yourself and to find your spiritual center, especially as the moon moves into Pisces and will move into a conjunction with Saturn, showing us exactly what we need to do spiritually and emotionally.
Mercury in Sagittarius is making a trine to Chiron in Aries as well on Monday which could be experienced as healing breakthroughs both in inner listening and communication with others. Mercury is in fall in Sagittarius because it paints with broad strokes… so really giving a lot of grace both to yourself and others as far as what we’re keeping track of is a great choice. Monday feels like a good day.
Tuesday, Mars in Scorpio, following the same path as the Sun (both masculine planets associated with vitality) will make a sextile towards Pluto which again has the same themes of really remembering who the f*ck we are and our power especially in the invisible world to create. We may understand at a deeper level which action we need to take as well. This is like an elaboration of the cazimi of the Sun and Mars that happened on Friday.
Things get a little bit “off” just in time for the holidays. Venus in Libra will move into an opposition to Chiron in Aries… and although Venus LOVES to be in Libra and feels at home there, this is where she may feel a bit self-conscious and a bit wounded. This is where we may realize that what we have been identifying with potentially is built on a faulty premise. Venus in Libra knows that she needs to get her mind right after Wednesday. To add insult to injury the moon moves into Aries on Wednesday as well, so our emotions will be involved in this and we have to guard our hearts against emotional reactivity.
The Sun will move into Sagittarius as well on Wednesday… and the reason I say this may be an *interesting* or less blindly positive and daring- feeling Sagittarius season is because Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus. Jupiter direct feels much more adventurous and excited to be curious but this year we’re seemingly doing Sagittarius season a little differently. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is in Libra going through some tough aspects in the next few weeks as well… so this leads me to the sense that this is about garnering true faith that comes from disciplined imagination rather than just blindly believing something false or taking unnecessary risks that don’t have the full weight of your belief backing them.
Thursday we are making some sobering realizations as the Sun in Sagittarius is going to be square Saturn in Pisces. This and Mars moving into Sagittarius and coming up with this aspect as well is a spiritual checkpoint through the end of the weekend and leading into the Gemini full moon on Monday the 27th. I feel as well that this may even serve as a test of faith ~ it’s worth it to prevail and to continue to keep the light on in your own heart even if things don’t exactly look desirable on the outside.
The Sun squaring Saturn brings up things we can improve upon and things that we can do better. Sagittarius, as my rising sign (so I can say this) in my opinion is not the most humble sign and this Sagittarius season starts off with a very humble energy due to this aspect.
Friday the moon will move into Taurus which will connect over the course of the next two and a half days with Jupiter and Uranus so emotionally, there is a sense of being very grounded, reasonable, practical… but also we’ll be having realizations and especially on Saturday a few surprises may come out of left field as we wax up to the full moon in Gemini on Monday, November 27th.
On Friday, Mars moves into Sagittarius until January 4th. This should be interesting as Jupiter stations direct on December 31st, bringing a whole different flavor to the last few days of this transit. Mars in Sagittarius is that impulse within all of us that loves to debate and loves to pour belief into things ~ and I think this is where throughout this transit we really want to take care not to shove our opinions down others’ throats (trust me ~ I need this reminder more than most) and we really want to make sure we’re not doubling down on what we believe and alienating others when we are actually wrong.
This opens the way for verbal sparring matches… but honestly, the other aspect of this transit could be a continuation of the spiritual conviction and depth we found when Mars was in Scorpio. Mars in Sagittarius takes that deep conviction and then brings it out into the world, living out the truth of what we found internally and can be very willful in that way.
On Saturday, Mars in Sagittarius moves into a square to Saturn in Pisces which is where our vitality can feel somewhat compromised. This is an aspect where we want to get as much sleep as possible, to be mindful what we’re choosing in terms of food and such… and to really watch spreading our efforts too thin. We may feel some frustrations coming up or like our energy is somehow being crimped. This influence moves off after the full moon but I’d say even though this aspect is exact on Saturday, we may still feel it into Monday.
On Sunday, Mercury in Sagittarius makes a trine aspect to the North Node in Aries which is like a divine message of sorts before Mercury moves into Capricorn and stations retrograde both in December. Pay attention to what crosses your mind and your communications on Sunday as there is a message in there for you.
This week, due to rushing around for the holidays and being quite busy with work, there is no rising signs portion. I appreciate you! I hope you have fun eating with your family or doing whatever it is that you’re going to be doing this week. Take care.